

Sundrop Brands Limited has a robust Talent Management Process. We firmly believe in the policy of "Grow Our Own Timber" and hence, have dedicated systems in place to grow and develop our internal talent. For any vacancy, we first look within the existing talent pool to find a replacement. If the internal candidate is able to match to a large extent, especially from a culture and readiness point of view, the skills training aspect is handled through the ‘Capability Building’ process.

We have an extremely sound & dynamic Capability Building Process which ensures that every individual gets adequate functional and behavioral inputs to perform at his/her optimum potential. The Capability Building Process begins with the preparation of the IDP (Individual Development Plan), which captures the career aspirations of each and every employee along with their strengths and areas of improvement. Each of these IDPs is then discussed at the leadership level to gain complete visibility of the internal talent available. Each employee receives a detailed talent feedback from the leadership team regarding their aspirations, proposed career path and development plans.

These development plans are then fed into the annual Training Calendar, which also receives inputs from the business plans. Throughout the year, we apply multiple interventions to ensure all round development of our employees. In addition, non-traditional methods of building capability (for example, web based trainings for our off location employees) are often employed.


