Sundrop Lite launched in June 2012, is a scientific blend of Refined Sunflower Oil (80%) and Refined Soyabean Oil (20%).

It is a light colored & nutritious blend, which offers Natural Vitamin E and meets its 100% Recommended Dietary Allowance#.

It also contains Omega 6 which is essential for important physiological functions.

Disclaimer: ®Sundrop Lite is the registered trademark of Sundrop Brands Limited.

Product Benefits
  • Sundrop Lite contains Natural Vitamin E and meets 100% RDA requirement#. Vitamin E helps build immunity
  • Sundrop Lite also has Omega-6, an Essential Fatty Acid which is not synthesized by our body and is required for various important physiological functions
  • Not only is Sundrop Lite light in color, but it is a nutritious blend and also provides the best value for money

#Based on Dietary fat RDA for Indians recommended by ICMR (2010) and WHO/FAO guidelines (1998). Subject to Vitamin loss due to cooking process which would vary depending on the food item and the heat to which the oil is subjected to
